
I'm not a writer yet, just a young man who wants people to hear his philosophies and ideas. Even though I'm not a writer, I've been speaking English for over 15 years now, so I believe I have potential.

Do I want to be a writer? Absolutely. I've wanted to be a writer since I was young. I first made the decision that I wanted to write when I discovered the limitless nature of writing. On paper, as an author, you can never be wrong. I can be a creator of worlds that exist in the minds of my readers. Worlds that before only I was conscious of.

I'm not an avid reader, but I am very interested in literature. I first realized this when I read "Harry Potter" as an 8-year-old boy. Since then I've moved on to more advanced works, but when I read Harry Potter I was captivated by the world J K Rowling created, and I wanted to be a part of that world more than anything. Since then my favorite works have been The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas, The Foundation by Isaac Asimov, Hamlet by William Shakespeare and Les Miserables by Victor Hugo. Victor Hugo today is my greatest inspiration to write, because his prose is absolutely beautiful; the kind of prose I would like to see myself create.

My least favorite writer is Orson Scott Card. No offense, Card fans, but I thought Ender's Game was poorly written trash. It had the same plot as the first book in the Harry Potter series, but I don't consider J K Rowling a plagiarist since she wrote the book so much better than Card. I guess I just couldn't find a book appealing where all of the characters reminded me of my younger brother when he was 8-years-old.

My favorite genre's of writing are good sci-fi (ex. Isaac Asimov), good historical fiction (ex. Alexandre Dumas), good plays (Ex. William Shakespeare; Neil Simon) and good satire (ex. Dave Barry). I also respect some fantasy, western and horror (J.R.R Tolkien; Louis L'Amour; Stephen King) but seldom do I become entranced in the text.

As a writer I plan on writing sci-fi, fantasy, plays, screenplays and satire. I know I said I wasn't easily entranced by fantasy, but the fantasy I plan on writing will be very mild fantasy and will be used for analogical purposes. I'm very excited about many of the ideas I've already formulated in my head in each one of those categories, and I aspire to attain the tools and abilities it takes to put those ideas on paper.

I firmly believe that with a heart, a mind and a keyboard I can change the world. I look forward to the day my ideas fleet from my mind onto paper, and from the paper into the eyes of people to further share the excitement before them. The day someone is inspired by my works, I will become a writer. But until then, I am just a young man who wants people to hear his philosophies and ideas.